The Eve Of My Wedding ; My Bedroom Or Hotel? By Jumia Market

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story-14A few hours from now, the many months of planning and anticipation will finally become a reality. You’ll be married !!! It is the hope of everyone that you have a glorious and memorable day. However, preparation for this ‘’BIG’’ day is as important for the bride-to-be as it is for her groom. This preparation can take many forms and come with different levels of commitment and attention to detail. One very important component of the wedding eve is where the ‘’to-be-couple’’ spend the ‘’last’’ night.

That final night of independence before you commit yourself to sharing the rest of your life with another person. The big question is, where is the ideal place to spend this night? The same bedroom where you have lived all / the most part of your life or in a comfortable hotel room far from all the chaos and anxiety of family and friends? In fact, a lot of factors influence this choice. Distance to the wedding venue, budget, need for privacy and other sentimental considerations are just but a few of the factors that influence this choice. Jumia Travel , Africa’s leading online hotel booking website, highlights a few elements that may influence your choice of a wedding eve accommodation .

Your room! The room you have slept in almost every night after you became an adult. It is even possible that you have never missed a night here. All of that won’t matter after tomorrow. You will have a new home, a new bed and most importantly, someone else will be sharing it with you. So here comes the big dilemma. Where would you rather be? Firstly, in your own room at home , it is very likely that on the eve of your wedding, you may not get the peace and relaxation you so require. Lots of external family members scattered everywhere with noise and fierce activity trying to get ready for the next day.

Too many items scattered everywhere you may even lose one or two of your personal properties in the end. In case you don’t live in a big house with many rooms where your bridemaids or groomsmen can sleep over giving you the support and motivation you may require to escape the grave tension and anxiety, you may start feeling the pressure.In your own room at home, you also run the risk of having too many people interfere with your plans and have too many mouths trying to tell you what to do and what not to do. This is sometimes very frustrating. If you also do not live close to the venue for the wedding, you run the risk of being late to your own wedding.

Getting a hotel room to spend the night seems like a very popular emerging trend for most bride-to-be’s and grooms these days. The whole bridal team can be in one hotel, with the guys taking the top floor or a different block from the one the ladies will be in. Also the bride/groom and their team can fit in one room or may share a few rooms. This allows them to avoid lateness by any member of the bridal team and gives them one more night of freedom to share with their very close/best friends.

A hotel room also reduces the inflow of family and other people who may interfere with plans or try to dictate to the bride or groom. It provides the ideal hideout for couples who prefer to have their locations unknown to all and sundry before the real event. Hotel rooms also provide the peace, relaxation and luxury needed to fully prepare for that ‘’BIG DAY’’.

In our part of the world where superstition is a common belief, using a hotel room may eliminate the risk of having evil doers get access to the couple before the wedding. This will avert all plans to do evil or cause havoc to anyone directly involved in making the wedding a success.

With all these stated, the final choice rests with the couple. Where you spend the night is up to you but remember that it is dependent on several other factors. Never follow the trend unless it fits your needs and requirements. Do what makes you happy and is more convenient. Now wake up fresh and buoyant. Go have fun on your big day and have a happy married life!

Credit: JumiaTravel, pub-6336011652228911, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0