French Embassy In Ghana Engages WOSPAG In Seminar After Women’s World Cup In France

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French Embassy In Ghana Engages WOSPAG In Seminar After Women’s World Cup In France

The French Embassy in Ghana has engaged some sports associations and clubs to discuss the role of women in sports: inequalities, obstacles and reasons for hope.

The event which was held at the Alliance Francaise on Thursday 4thJuly 2019 featured representatives from Women Sports Association of Ghana WOSPAG, Dunk Association (making girls playing basketball in underprivileged districts) and Feminist Collective (Young Feminist Collective).

Also in attendance were representatives from the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection (Department of Gender).

The objective of the programme was to show that sports is a perfect tool to identify some gender inequality issues, but also to help women to struggle for their rights.

Another aim of the event was to initiate a reflection around women’s place in society through sports by involving local associations to share their experience and giving them the opportunity to spread the idea of a more gender-inclusive vision in sports.

Some of the topics discussed were the perception of women who are practicing sports and their coaches, sharing of experiences of guests, examples of women’s performance in sports, awareness of the potentials of women in sports and identification of talents in sports.

Also discussed were the role on men and women in addressing gender inequality as well as the role of political organisations in the development and promotion of sports.

It was concluded that sports as an image of society can reflect the behaviour of society and a way of talking about gender issues in general.

The event was well attended and successful with guests calling for more of such interactions.

Mrs Joyce Mahama, president of WOSPAG who represented her organization and the Ghana Olympic Committee (GOC) said it is always good to share ideas and commended the French Embassy and all those who supported to make the programme fruitful., pub-6336011652228911, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0