Pastor Bishop J.Y Adu Who Predicted Deadly Flood….Says Many More Death Awaits Ghanaians

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storyPrior to the heavy rain which destroyed many homes and claimed many lives on 3rd June, 2015, Ghanaian head pastor of Jerusalem Chapel, Bishop J.Y Adu, had prophesied on Neat 100.9 Fm that many people will die this year in many forms.

In a chat with host Paa Kwesi Mzpah on Neat Fm’s drive time show – Yeko Fie, he stated that all the revelations were given to him on 31st night 2014 and that he has compiled all the revelations on one CD to be given to the public for free.

“Early this year, Neat Fm gave me the opportunity to come and explain my 2015 prophesies and as you can see, most of the things I came to speak on has come to pass and more yet to come if we refuse to pray” he said.

The head pastor who has compiled about 31 different types of prophesies including the death of both top NDC and NPP members, flooding Killing many , fuel filling stations catching fire, demonstrations, and the death of radio and TV stations Heads, also explained on Neat Fm another prophecy which has to do with both NPP and NDC leading members death – a big shock which awaits us.

Already the NPP has lost Adams Mahama, so he says next will be an NDC big named member.

He was quick to remark that he does not find glee in people dying though most of his prophecies have to do with the bad things; rather, it’s God who reveals to him with solutions.

According to the bishop, the only solution to the revelations is prayers.

In a separate chat with Mustapha Inusah just after the June flood, he said “more people will die this year in different forms.”
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