God Plans Fruitfully By Ebenezer Zor

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thumb (30)The Lord had said to Abram, ‘Leave your native country, your relatives, and your family, and go to the land that I will show you“ Genesis 12: 1 NLTB
Abram was 75 years when God ordered him to leave Haran with his wife Sarai, nephew, Lot and all his assets. Abram and Sarai had no child at that stage of life. But God was not overwhelmed about their present conditions; rather he had planned good and successful endings for Abram’s family. Ten years later. “ So Hagar, the servant of Sarai gave Abram a son, and Abram named him Ishmael” Genesis 16:15-16

God continued to bless Abram again when he change his name `Abram` to `Abraham` and `Sarai` to `Sarah`. What’s more, “I am changing your name. It will no longer be Abram instead, you will be the father of many nations“ Genesis 17:5

Similarly, Sarai who couldn’t conceive had his name changed in addition to a promise. “.From now on her name will be Sarah. And I will bless and give you a son from her! Yes, I will bless her richly, and she will become the mother of many nations. Kings of nations will be among his descendants“ Genesis 17:15-16

Precisely,” God kept his word with Sarah as he gave birth to then a son. Abraham was 100 years when his son was born. This happened just at a time God had said it would. Abraham named his son Isaac“. Genesis 21:2-3

People from all walks of life, God’s plan for you are fruitful. Your current failures and disappointments should be a thing of the past. You have a fruitful ending with God in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!

God loves you beyond measure.

Do You Want To Be Born Again?

‘But to all who believe him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God. They are reborn-not physically birth resulting from human passion or plan, but a birth that comes from God.’ John 1:12-13.

Having read this message, want to be born again? Say this prayer with faith; Heavenly father, from today I surrender myself to you. Forgive and cleanse me from all my sins. I invite you to take absolute control of my life. Beloved if you have prayed this prayer, you are born again and welcome to God’s family.

Follow These Steps To Develop Yourself

1. Find a believing church to attend

2. Study the word of God daily

3. Enjoy the fellowship and workmanship of God

4. Practice the word of God

5. Have faith in the word


Father in heaven, I thank you for the breath of life. For your world has notified me that, it is not over until an angel of God visit me to receive my breakthrough. I believe from today my breakthrough is not far from me.

Author’s mob/whatsapp +233246646694



Follow me on; Twitter @zorebenezer

Skype name – live: zorebenezer

Church: Miracle Rock Church Int.

General Overseer: Bishop Dr Charles Abban Mensah

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