A vote for NDC is a waste – Nduom

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26228598A vote for the governing National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the 2016 polls is a wasted vote, Dr. Papa Kwesi Nduom, has said.

The 2016 presidential nominee of the Progressive People’s Party (PPP), in response to assertions that a vote for the PPP, which is considered as a smaller party was a wasted vote because of dominant parties like the NDC and the New Patriotic Party (NPP), told Class News’ Naa Deedei Tettey in an exclusive interview that a vote for the NDC rather was a wasted vote.

“If you vote for NDC, its wasted vote…look at the vote they [electorate] gave to the NDC in 2012, what did it do? It brought disappointment.

That’s the vote that brought dumsor; that is the vote that brought meningococcal meningitis, it is a vote that brought cholera in this age, it is a vote that has brought unemployment, that is a wasted vote and if you go back again, it is doubly wasting your votes”, he stated.

“The vote that will be profitable is the vote for the PPP because you are leading onto a path that can create jobs and can fix this economy”, he added.

Dr. Nduom has promised to create jobs if elected president later in the year because he has a proven track record of providing jobs to Ghanaians with his businesses across the country.

google.com, pub-6336011652228911, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0