Top Teachers Around The World Challenged To Discuss The Edtech Tools That Have Dramatically Supported And Improved Learning

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Top Teachers Around The World Challenged To Discuss The Edtech Tools That Have Dramatically Supported And Improved Learning

Kids are growing up in a technological environment, and knowing how to make the best use of good tech is a critical part of preparing them for their future lives. Important 21st century skills such as problem solving, communication and creativity can also be improved with the use of great tech.

“Teaching in the Fourth Industrial Revolution takes passion and initiative, and along with the challenges come the exhilarating opportunities,” says Elisa Guerra Cruz who includes Stop Motion Studio, Weebly and Paths to Math in her best of edtech list. “Teaching is about the relationship,” says Vicki Davis “but there are tools that improve that relationship and help us teach better, faster and have more fun as we’re doing it.” Davis’ top 7 tech tools for improving learning include Power School Learning (LMS), EdPuzzle, and Hemingway and Grammarly. “Images allow students to capture their learning and share their stories all from their phone,” notes Shaelynn Farnsworth whose favorite apps for editing, typography, Gif-making and sharing include Snapseed, Word Swag, Motion Stills and Snapchat Stories.

The Global Teacher Bloggers have founded schools, written curricula, and led classrooms in 16 different countries. CMRubinWorld’s Top Global Teachers are: Rashmi Kathuria, Jim Tuscano, Craig Kemp, Jasper Rijpma, Elisa Guerra, Pauline Hawkins, Maarit Rossi, Vicki Davis, Miriam Mason-Sesay, Shaelynn Fransworth, Carl Hooker, Adam Steiner, Warren Sparrow, Nadia Lopez, Richard Wells, Joe Fatheree, Kazuya Takahashi, and Abeer Qunaibi

CMRubinWorld launched in 2010 to explore what kind of education would prepare students to succeed in a rapidly changing globalized world. Its award-winning series, The Global Search for Education, is a highly regarded trailblazer in the renaissance of 21st century education, and occupies a widely respected place in the pulse of key issues facing every nation and the collective future of all children.

It connects today’s top thought leaders with a diverse global audience of parents, students and educators. Its highly readable platform allows for discourse concerning our highest ideals and the sustainable solutions we must engineer to achieve them. C. M. Rubin has produced hundreds of interviews and articles discussing an extensive array of topics under a singular vision: when it comes to the world of children, there is always more work to be done, pub-6336011652228911, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0