COVID-19: Ghana’s Deaths Rise To 31

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COVID-19: Ghana's Deaths Rise To 31
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Coronavirus deaths in Ghana have gone up to 31 from 29 as of Sunday.

Positive cases have jumped to 5918.

Recoveries have also seen a significant increase to 1,754.

Meanwhile, Deputy Information Minister Pius Enam Hadzide has indicated that about 80 to 90% of coronavirus cases in the country are asymptomatic.

According to him, generally, Ghanaians have strong immune systems and are able to fight off the virus n about 17 days.

He says since it has been established that there is no cure nor vaccine for the virus by the World Health Organisation, drugs administered to people who have tested positive are to treat other underlying health issues as well as boosting their immune systems.

Speaking to Francis Abban on the Morning Starr Monday he said “the vast majority of our cases are asymptomatic. They are not showing any severe or serious sights of illness. We have a few that are critically ill, in the last count I think we are talking single digits.”

“Very few are moderately ill, but the vast majority are mild cases with no symptoms at all and that’s why we are saying that a lot of our people who unfortunately have tested positive are even able to fight the virus from their own immune systems.”

Confirming the number of asymptomatic cases, Mr Hadzide noted “I can confirm to you that the very vast majority are asymptomatic. To err on the side of caution, I believe that well over 80 per cent, getting to 90 per cent may be asymptomatic and we do expect that these persons are able to fight off their virus on their own immune systems.”

—starrfmonline, pub-6336011652228911, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0