Confusion at Ablekuma West as NPP supporters raise ethnic alarm

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Voting has been disrupted at the Ablekuma South Constituency in the Greater Accra region with some prospective voters accusing EC officials and NDC functionaries of plotting to deny them their right to vote.

Speaking to Adom FM’s Kofi Adoma, the voters claimed people with Akans names were told their names were not in the register and were driven away.

Scores of Ghanaians have queued up at various polling stations to take part in the ongoing presidential and parliamentary elections.

The process which began at exactly 7:00am at most polling stations has been fairly peaceful.

There were some few hitches and delays in some polling stations which were attributed to the delay in the arrival of election materials.
The Ablekuma South constituency is one such constituency pregnant with controversy.

The prospective voters claim some supporters of the NDC were holding and distributing voter materials very close to the polling stations.

“They have a paper which is different from what the Electoral Commission has and they take names of Akans and add other people’s …they pardon some people who are able to speak Ga,” one alleged.

A police officer who confirmed seizing some of the materials claimed he was heckled and the voting materials taken away from him., pub-6336011652228911, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0