French Beauty and fashionista, Veronique Adaa back to the Fashion Scene By Juliet Obieh

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thumbVeronique Adaa may not be a household name in Africa, but the actress and singer, who recently styled as beauty of the week, is poised for major success in France. We caught up with her in Paris to get all her beauty secrets.

Beautiful Veronique dress first and foremost for herself and for other women—rarely do she dress for men. Expressing her creativity through the way she dress is extremely important to her. More than anything, it’s about embracing sexy and style!

Veronique is adventurous when it comes to fashion, she always tend to have her own personal style. We live in a world that embraces eccentricity and I think that plays a big part in it.

Beautiful Veronique at age of 25 went to a popular auditions in France Paris (‘Nouvelle Star‘) unfortunately by then her French was just at the early stage. Since then, she has been focusing on learning French and writing songs where English and French are mix in a sweet manner., pub-6336011652228911, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0