Marrakech Climate Action: Shifting Gear Towards Low Carbon Transport – Global Climate Action At COP22

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story-2Marrakech, 12 November 2016 – Sustainable transport leaders, catalyzing the necessary transformation alongside governments to address climate change, are meeting at the UN Climate Change Conference in Marrakech todya (COP22) for the Global Climate Action event on Transport.

They will demonstrate how progress made on fifteen landmark initiatives – covering all transport modes and over 100 countries – indicates that tackling emissions from transport is both possible and cost effective.

Scaled-up action being taken by the GCAA Transport initiatives since COP21 includes:

  • The Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI) is supporting an additional 40 countries to realize the financial, and CO2 benefits of improved vehicle fuel economy.
  • Airport Carbon AccreditationScheme now has 173 certified airports worldwide, including 26 carbon neutral airports – 36% of air passengers now travel through an Airport Carbon Accredited airport.
  • The MobiliseYourCity initiative secured 35 Million Euro in funding over the last 12 months and is making use of COP22 to announce the start of developing Sustainable Urban Mobility plans in Morocco and Cameroon.

Transport is already responsible for one fourth of energy related greenhouse gas emissions. Without disruptive action, transport emissions can be expected to grow from 7.7 Gt to around 15Gt by 2050.

This is a global problem: – for 45% of countries transport is the largest source of energy related emissions, for the remainder it’s the second largest source. Transport, therefore needs to be a key part of any effective solution on Climate Change.

Discussions in the Transport Action Area under the Global Climate Action Agenda in COP22 in Marrakech – indicate that tackling emissions from transport is possible and cost effective, sustainable solutions are available.

“The transport sector has made a great start, leading by example and spearheading the development of the broader Global Climate Action Agenda. The fifteen non-state actor transport initiatives whose progress are being reported in Marrakech have such a scope and scale that they are well on the way to triggering a broad transformation of the transport sector, as required to deliver on the Paris Agreement”, said Ségolène Royal, Minister of the Environment, Energy and Marine Affairs, responsible for International Climate Relations, France

Transport initiatives by non-state actors are key for a successful implementation of the Nationally Determined Contributions submitted by over 160 countries on the occasion of COP21 in Paris. The transport initiatives, by creating a new reality on the ground, increase popular understanding and support for climate action which, in turn, drives up governments ambition to tackle climate change” – said Dr. Hakima El Haite, Minister of Environment and Climate Champion, Morocco.

“For a growing region like Africa which is heavily impacted by climate change we need affordable and locally appropriate transport solutions that support economic and social development, provide access to mobility, and create local value. Through the new “African Association for Sustainable Road Transport” being launched by Morocco here at COP22 we want to share experience and catalyse the development of resilient and intelligent highway infrastructure and the deployment of e-mobility in Morocco and beyond” – said Mohamed Boussaid, Minister of Transport, Morocco

A series of pre-2020 Quick-Wins were proposed to optimize the contribution of transport towards pre-2020 mitigation. The sector is also working to build broad consensus around a common, phased, regionally appropriate Global Macro Roadmap – to integrate and guide the transformation of the whole sector.

“The development of the Global Macro Roadmap allows us to engage both public and private entities in a dialogue on how we can cater to an increasing need for mobility and transport, whilst drastically cutting GHG emissions” – said Cornie Huizenga, Secretary General, Partnership for Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport (SLoCaT) and Paris Process on Mobility and Climate (PPMC) co-founder.

The proposed Global Macro Roadmap can provide Governments with a guiding policy framework and can also provide confidence to transport sector and catalyze innovation and private sector investment in low carbon transport.

Discussions on Transport during COP22 concluded that it is time to dramatically scale up action on sustainable transport. Only by working together can state and non-state actors develop and implement meaningful actions to implement the Paris Agreement.

“Effective action on low carbon transport can’t be driven by climate considerations alone. Transport is only truly sustainable if, in addition to decarbonising transport – we also make a significant contribution to delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on, inter alia, road safety, air quality, health and access for all – including for disadvantaged groups.” –said Paula Caballero, Global Director, Climate Program, World Resources Institute, and one of the architects of the Sustainable Development Goals framework.

About Global Climate Action
France and Morocco’s global climate champions have set out their detailed agenda to boost cooperative action between governments, cities, business, investors and citizens to cut emissions rapidly and help vulnerable nations adapt to climate impacts and build their own clean energy, sustainable futures.

Message from the Champions
“A year after COP 21, the great dynamic of climate action is now growing strong. As we all gather to Marrakech time has come to start to take stock of what has been achieved during the last year.To be consistent with the long-term goals, all actors will have to work together, not only to achieve the national targets of the NDCs, but also to go further and bridge the gap of emissions. This sense of urgency should guide us all into accelerating immediate efforts and delivering ambitious action.

…We must identify what concrete policy options and what tools we will have to mobilize in the short term.The science is clear: the path towards achieving the long-term goals should bring us to peaking GHG emissions by 2020. This is a challenge, and we are not there yet.

On the current trends, we will be in 2030 between 11 to 14 GT above Paris-compatible pathways. The purpose of these days is to strengthen all efforts and take them to the next level to stay on track for the objectives: stay well below 2°C and if possible 1,5°C, increase adaptation and resilience capacities and reorient financial flows.

It is our responsibility, as champions, to make the link between the real world and the COP process. Political leaders from all around the world should hear and be inspired by the solutions at our reach.”, pub-6336011652228911, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0