Mahama Says NPP Worried About His Comeback

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Mr. John Dramani Mahama at Zabzugu Constituency

Mr. John Dramani Mahama at Zabzugu Constituency

Former President says the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) is frightened by his decision to once again lead the National Democratic Congress (NDC), in the 2020 elections.

Addressing hundreds of NDC delegates in Yendi, Thursday as part of his campaign tour of the Northern Region, Mr. Mahama expressed surprise at the behavior of the NPP over his decision to contest.

He said very often, one always hear members of the NPP questioning why the NDC would want to bring him back as their flagbearer as they would easily defeat him. He said, if it is true that the NPP would easily defeat him in 2020 then they should be rejoicing rather than complaining.

“Two teams are playing football and the other tells the opponent that if you put in a particular goalkeeper I will score you. That means the opponent is afraid of the goalkeeper,” he said. He noted that the NPP is clearly afraid of his second coming, as they are aware that, he is the only candidate with the experience to win back power for the NDC in 2020.

Mr Mahama has therefore urged NDC delegates to massively endorse him on December 7, 20 18, when the NDC goes to the polls, to enable him wrestle power from the NPP in 2020.

Abandoned projects
The former President also raised questions over the government’s inability to continue projects started under his administration.

Mr Mahama says as he toured the country to campaign for the flagbearership of the NDC, it is clear that all the projects that were handed over to the NPP government are on standstill.

“All the roads we were working on has come to a standstill, all the E-Block Community Day Senior High Schools have come to a standstill, the hospitals and CHPS compounds we were building across the country are standstill, and it is the same with the electricity and water projects that were embarked upon to extend power to communities and safe drinking water,” he told the delegates.

He urged Ghanaians not to lose hope, as the next NDC government in 2020 will ensure the successful completion of abandoned projects.

Observing that Ghanaians are currently going through economic hardship, he pledged to work hard to reduce the high cost of living and provide jobs, when he is elected in 2020.

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Zabzugu delegates
Unfulfilled promises
Speaking to delegates in Tatale constituency, Mr. Mahama said he is yet to see a single factory from the One District One factory NPP manifesto promise.

“Where are the factories? Where are the dams? Where the warehouses? Where is the one million dollars per constituency? These are the questions that former President John Dramani Mahama is asking the Akufo-Addo government,” the former President quizzed.

According to him, the lesson in the unfulfilled promises is that it is easier for promises to be made but not kept.

“It is easier to give political lectures on the economy than to manage the economy,” he said. Mr Mahama further said “any Economics lecturer can give lectures on the economy. But not every lecturer can manage the economy”.

Story by Ghana | | JTM, pub-6336011652228911, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0