Gov’t denies awarding last minute contracts, selling state assets

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The government transition team has denied allegations it is selling state assets and awarding last minute contracts days before it leaves office.

The spokesperson for the team, Hanna Tetteh, said every activity of the outgoing is pursuing transparency in every activity before January 7, 2016, deadline when the incoming administration takes over.

“I am not aware of any contracts being awarded, I am not aware of the sale of government properties,” she told the press Wednesday.

Members of the transition team from the incoming Nana Akufo-Addo-led government have alleged that that outgoing government is improperly dishing out contracts and appointments after losing power.

The representative of the president-elect on the transition team Yaw Osafo Maafo said this is part of several complaints and allegations which have come to their attention. Yaw Osafo Marfo, expressed this concern, among others, on Wednesday morning, where he asked for some clarity from government.

However, responding to the allegations, Ms Tetteh said she has knowledge of an ongoing recruitment process for Ghana Armed Forces which is expected to be completed before January 7.

She explains “the recruitment exercise will be concluded before January 7, in which case the incoming administration will have the responsibility and have the oversight to see how the exercise is concluded.”

“The question really is to make sure that whatever exercise takes place, takes place in a transparent manner and that if there are any concerns that the transition team wishes to raise, one would hope that it will be addressed,” she adds.

The outgoing John Mahama-led administration presented its handing over notes containing details about the state of the nation to the incoming NPP government, Wednesday.

The Transition Team, jointly inaugurated by President Mahama and president-elect, Nana Akufo-Addo, is expected to sit for six weeks from Wednesday.

Story by Ghana | | GN, pub-6336011652228911, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0