Asanteman Senior High School recently celebrated its 70th anniversary

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Asanteman Senior High School recently celebrated its 70th anniversary, but amidst the festivities, the school’s administration highlighted critical infrastructural challenges hindering its progress. Established in 1954 to provide holistic education in the Ashanti region, the school now struggles with inadequate teacher accommodations, forcing 80% of teachers to commute long distances daily ¹.

Infrastructure Challenges

  • Insufficient Teacher Accommodation: Only 20% of teachers have on-campus housing.
  • Inadequate Security: Current security measures are insufficient, requiring additional personnel.
  • Poor Drainage System: Upgrades are needed to improve the school’s image and student comfort.
  • Classroom Shortage: Additional blocks are necessary to accommodate the growing student population.
  • Staff Housing: More bungalows and living quarters are required to support staff supervision and control.

Headmaster Nathaniel Antwi Asamoah appealed to stakeholders for support, emphasizing the impact of these challenges on the school’s effectiveness ¹. In response, Member of Parliament Francis Asenso Boakye reaffirmed the government’s commitment to addressing the school’s infrastructure needs and encouraged students to leverage the Free SHS initiative for future success ¹.

Asanteman Senior High School, a category A school, has consistently ranked among the top schools in the Ashanti Region, with most students advancing to tertiary institutions annually ² ³. The school’s rich history and cultural significance, as the official school of the Ashanti Empire, make these infrastructure challenges particularly pressing., pub-6336011652228911, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0