Kwesi Appiah To Construct Astro Turf Pitch In Ashaiman

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Kwesi Appiah To Construct Astro Turf Pitch In Ashaiman

Head coach of the Black Stars, James Akwasi Appiah is set to construct a multipurpose astroturf pitch for the people of Ashaiman.

The former Al Khartoum gaffer made this known when he paid a visit to the community.

“There are so many areas here [in Ashaiman] where we can get an artificial turf where all the sporting activities can take place so the people can go out there and play.

“Most people in Ashaiman are really good at sports and we need to create these centres to help them and it will help the nation as well,” he said.

Appiah has also partnered German firm JVG-Thorma to construct a solar plant in the same area, valued at $14.5m., pub-6336011652228911, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0