Christain Atsu Scores In Newcastle United Pre-Season Win

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Christain Atsu Scores In Newcastle United Pre-Season Win

Ghana winger, Christian Atsu scored a penalty in Newcastle United 2:0 win over St Patrick’s Athletic at Richmond Park as they kicked off pre-season in Dublin.

Sean Longstaff cracked home the opener for United as their blend of youth and experience edged the first period against St Patrick’s Athletic.

But Joselu – who was handed a chance up front – spurned some chances as he looked to stamp his authority on the striker situation with Rafa Benitez struggling to sign the replacements he wants.

It was a different side in the second half and Benitez side extended their lead with the former Chelsea winger scoring a penalty before United missed a host of chances., pub-6336011652228911, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0