Asante Kotoko organize orientation for coaches and players

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Asante Kotoko assembled a team of professionals to speak to their players on how to manage their lives and careers.

The meeting took place over the weekend before their match .

A Confederation of African Football (CAF) Instructor, Joseph Ayita Mensah and Referee Eric Owusu Mensah took the players through Laws of the Game.

Sports Psychologist, Adams Kaleb thoroughly spent time with the players – answering varied questions on their mental attitude and preparation for matches.

He also psyched them up – teaching them what to do in some real life situations that they usually come across in their professional life.

Sports Administrator and Journalist, Barima Boadaa Otuo Acheampong (Sometimer of Sikka FM) educated the players on their relations with the media. Head of the Medical Team, Dr. Michael Leat spoke at length on health issues., pub-6336011652228911, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0