Show Good Faith In Everything You Do–Methodist Bishop Appeals

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Show Good Faith In Everything You Do--Methodist Bishop Appeals

The Manso-Abiram Circuit of the Methodist Church has celebrate its 10 years anniversary with a call to every Ghanaian to show good faith in everything they do.

The Right Reverend Hayford Aduse-Poku, Methodist Bishop of Obuasi, asked that they resisted the temptation to lie, deceive or cheat to gain unfair advantage over others.

He said the people should rather accept to stand for ‘what is right and what is just’ and to be bold to roundly denounce anything evil and toxic to the health of the society.

He used the occasion to remind Christians to do more to support the poor, the sick and the vulnerable.

Such people, Bishop Aduse-Poku indicated, needed to be shown love and assisted to live in human dignity.

He encouraged the congregation to remain steadfast in their faith, to be prayerful and to be confident about the future.

He also spoke of the need for the church to intensify the spread of the gospel, to bring hope and salvation to many.

It should reach out to everybody – the slums and hard-to-reach communities, Bishop added., pub-6336011652228911, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0