Pres. Obama fistbumbs man after he tells him that he has sex with men

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obamaAlthough President Barack Obama professes to be a practicing Christian, he apparently finds it funny for a man to have s*xual relations with another man, according to the Austin Chronicle. Something the Bible describes as an abomination.

The Chronicle continues that during a visit to the Franklin Barbecue, Austin, Texas, last week, Obama met up with a cashier at the infamous restaurant, who also works as a comedian, musician and drag queen.

The cashier, Daniel Rugg Webb, was not wearing “sequins” when the president approached him to pay for his meal, but joked with him when Obama asked if he was gay. Webb shot back that he was only gay when he had intimate relations.

According to Webb, the Commander in Chief found this remark funny, because he offered him his fist and asked him to “Bump me.” Webb complied with his request and the event was caught on camera by Doug Mills, reporter for the New York Times.

Webb went on to say that it was very pleasant to meet the president and at least he came out of the encounter with something funny he could use on stage as a comedian. He added that it was good that the governor of Texas, Rick Perry, had not walked up to him, because he would have probably lost his job.

Although the media found the interaction amusing, Geoffrey Grinder, editor-in chief and founder of the popular website, Now The End Begins, believes that Obama is demeaning his office by stooping to such low levels when meeting the public. He adds that the president obviously believes it to be part of his duty to make jokes about same-gender s*x and fist-bumping “flaming homos*xuals.”

Peter LaBarbera, president of the anti-gay organization, Americans for Truth about Homos*xuality, said that Obama is showing that he does not care about the health impact of living a gay lifestyle, but thinks it to be a humorous subject and that’s sad.

LaBarbera went on to say that President Obama and his wife are deadly serious about healthy foods for children, but gay s*x is apparently a laughing matter. He continued, “Virtually every case of HIV among males ages 13 to 24 is linked to gay s*x, and recently the CDC stated that syphilis is now predominantly a disease for ‘men who have s*x with men.’”, pub-6336011652228911, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0