Planned Parenthood is trying to take states’ rights to protect unborn fetuses

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restrictions-300x192Due to the recent tightening of ab0rt!on laws in some states, those who support the taking of innocent children’s lives are trying to fight back with a bill from the federal government that would effectively take that control out of the individual state’s hands.

In a hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee about the proposed Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA), various supporters and those against the bill talked about the impact on the country if the bill is made law.

Introduced by Senators Richard Blumenthal and Tammy Baldwin the democratic representatives of Connecticut and Wisconsin, respectively, the WHPA would mean that individual states would find it tougher to impose measures to control termination clinics.

At the hearing on Tuesday, supporting the WHPA, was Dr. Willie Parker, an ab0rt!onist who works at the Family Planning Associates Medical Group, Chicago, Illinois and also practices in Mississippi where stricter laws have recently been put into effect.

Although Parker claims to be a Christian, he said that he wishes he had practiced the termination of fetuses during his first 12 years of his medical career. He added that the new state laws in Mississippi are likely to shut down the only termination facility that is left in the state, if things are not stopped soon.

Parker also believes that the regulations put in place in Mississippi on fetus termination procedures, requiring obstetrician/gynecologists to have hospital admitting privileges, are unwarranted and unneeded. He adds that if something is not done about this situation, the only facility left, Jackson Women’s Health Organization, will have to close its doors, making it harder for women to obtain the health care they need.

However, fighting for the rights of unborn children at the hearing was Carol Tobias, president of the National Right to Life Committee. She said that the proposed bill is “highly misleading.”

Tobias went on to say that the bill aims to take away the states’ capabilities to protect the rights of unborn children. She added that a more appropriate name for the bill, if you were to comply with advertising standards, would be “Ab0rt!on Without Limits Until Birth Act.”

The proposed bill would require states to regulate termination practitioners in the same fashion that they do with clinics who offer other outpatient procedures, such as colonoscopies and biopsies, according to Amanda Marcotte, writer for the Daily Beast, USA Today and Slate., pub-6336011652228911, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0