Russia Test-Fires New Air Defence Missile In Kazakhstan

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Russia Test-Fires New Air Defence Missile In Kazakhstan

Accra, July 20, (UPI/GNA) – Russia has successfully test-fired a new air defence missile from a testing range in Kazakhstan, Moscow’s Defence Ministry said Friday.

The state-run TASS news agency reported the upgraded air defence missile is “capable of intercepting single and multiple strikes, including with the use of new generation intercontinental ballistic missiles.”

“The missile’s tactical and technical characteristics regarding the range, precision and operational lifetime are significantly higher compared to present-day weapons,” said Andrei Prikhodko, deputy commander of Aerospace Force.

The anti-missile system is designed to protect Moscow against space attacks.

The test launch comes a day after Russian authorities showed off new military weaponry President Vladimir Putin said in March would render NATO defences “completely useless.”

In videos posted online, Moscow showed off five advanced weapon systems — the Burevestnik nuclear-powered cruise missile; the Avangard hypersonic missile system; the Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM); the Poseidon underwater drone; and the Kinzhal hypersonic missile.

“They kept ignoring us,” Putin said of NATO members in a state of the union address that described the weapons. “Nobody wanted to listen to us, so listen to us now.”

The missile test also comes a day after Putin accused some in the United States of trying to damage U.S.-Russia relations for “narrow party interests.”

Thursday, the White House said an invitation has been extended to Putin to visit the United States this fall for another summit with President Donald Trump. Friday, Russia’s ambassador to the United States said the Kremlin is ready to consider the invitation.

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