Miller (MR) fears the Islamic party will be popular and wants to ban it

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Miller (MR) fears the Islamic party will be popular and wants to ban it©Belga

Federal MP Richard Miller (MR) wants to ban the Islamic party, he told the Belga agency on Saturday.
His statement comes soon after the party published its manifesto. He confirmed he was worried the Islamic party would win a lot of seats at the next election. It has candidates in 28 Brussels and Walloon communes.

This week Redouane Ahrouch, one of the Islamic party’s co-founders, said his party wanted to establish an Islamic State and introduce the Islamic charter in Belgium. Mr Miller said this was “unacceptable”.

“This project is a threat to our freedom and the fundamental rights that are part of our Constitution”, says Mr Miller. He spoke to the Justice department about the threat these propositions could pose to equality in Belgium. The Federal MP mentioned the fact that he wanted to ban the party back in 2012. He claims it is abusing human rights to promote its ideas.

The liberal MP said he is worried the party will win a lot of seats during the next elections, as it appeals to religious people. He also thinks that other parties “with communitarian tendencies” may be tempted to form an alliance with the Islamic party to insure a majority.

To deal with this eventuality, Mr Miller has submitted two propositions to modify the Constitution. One of them includes the State remaining secular and neutral.

A Parliamentary Commission Mr Miller is part of had already began dealing with the issue, but their work was interrupted by the Brussels attacks. “We have to do this, as we have a chance for real progress”, says Mr Miller. He thinks the MR agrees with him.

Sarah Johansson
The Brussels Times, pub-6336011652228911, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0