Bill Love Child Scandal Explodes! Arkansas Man Threatens Paternity Lawsuit

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Bill Clinton Love Child Claims Danney Williams Threatens Paternity Lawsuit Ahead Of Hillary Debate

Danney Lee Williams Jr. wants Clinton to prove he’s not his father – or else!

Bill Clinton is being threatened with a bombshell lawsuit on the eve of the Presidential election, has learned, by a 30-year-old man who says he was fathered when Hillary‘s husband had a steamy affair with a black prostitute!

A team of top lawyers told Radar that they are representing Danney Lee Williams Jr. in a bid to obtain Bill’s DNA, so they can test it with a sample from the Little Rock, Ark., construction worker.

“All I want is to know the truth!” Williams told Radar. “I have no hate in my heart.”

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“I believe Hillary found out about me and told my dad I would ruin her chances of being in the White House. I feel she cut him off from being in my life,” he said. “But going forward, I hope that at least I can get to know all of them and that my kids can get to know them — Bill and Hillary and Chelsea and their kids. I have three girls, two boys from three to 14, and they always are asking who their grandfather is.”

Louisiana attorney and family law expert GeorgeGinoGates IV said, “Danney is requesting that Mr. Clinton voluntarily provide him with a DNA sample. That will be easier than us having to subpoena folks who can testify … Danney is an urban legend among people in Little Rock who knew about this.”

“Our ultimate goal is not to embarrass anybody, but Danney will do whatever it takes to establish he is the son of Bill Clinton. This is a part of US history, and of Danney’s legacy.”

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A distinguished constitutional lawyer who also is representing Williams, Bruce Fein, told Radar, “The law is there to protect the weak from the strong. Mr. Clinton has complete control of his DNA. This doesn’t have to be an ordeal for anyone.”

“But we have the initial research and litigation analysis into avenues of redress if he rebuffs Danney’s request,” he warned.

“There is no statute of limitations on when a person can file a suit to establish paternity in Arkansas and the cause of action for this case arose in Arkansas when Mr. Clinton was governor.”

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Speaking to Radar from Las Vegas, where he plans to attend tonight’s debate, father-of-five Williams told Radar, “This is personal. It isn’t political. I’m not voting for Hillary or Trump. The election just gives me a chance to put this in the media’s face. I’ve been trying to get my dad to acknowledge me for years — for long before Hillary was running. I wrote him at least 20 to 30 letters and I tried him by Facebook, Twitter. He has blocked me from Facebook and never replied.”

His mother, Bobbie Ann Williams, has claimed Bill paid her for sex during clandestine encounters at a secluded Hot Springs, Ark home.

Today, Williams insisted, “There is a strong physical resemblance between myself and President Clinton — my face, my nose, chin line. And I have his charisma. People stop and talk to me and women come up to me and hug me. My family nicknamed me Little Bill.”

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“I wish I was called Bill Clinton Jr. but I pray that one day I can change my name to Danny Lee Clinton. I feel my dad loved me and wanted to acknowledge me.”

His attorney Bruce Fein said: “The law is there to protect the weak from the strong. Danney is not out for vengeance. He’s not out to find a gold mine. He’s not out to get a pound of flesh from anybody.

“There’s just a human desire to know who your parents are. Danney wants to be acknowledged.”

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The lawyer said that Danney — who currently supplements his earning as a labourer with nights shifts at a 7/11 — might also have “inheritance rights” one day to the Clinton millions., pub-6336011652228911, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0