Visually impaired Students Appeal For Assistance To Help Pass WASSCE Exams

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Visually impaired Students Appeal For Assistance To Help Pass WASSCE Exams

Visually impaired students of Mawuli School have appealed to government to provide teaching and learning materials to help them pass their West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (WASSCE).

The students, who are beneficiaries of government’s Free Senior High School policy said though books were freely given to all beneficiaries, visually impaired students were exempted.

In an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA), the students said it would be difficult for them to write and pass the same examination with others without learning materials and appealed for assistance.

They appealed for braille embossers so they could scan and print into braille format books of choice.

The GNA was told that resource persons in the School type all examination questions and other books manually on an old braille machine, which affect effective teaching and learning.

Mr Eric Ofori, National Coordinator, New Horizon Foundation for the Blind, in an interaction with the students on the Marrakesh Treaty ratified by Ghana, encouraged the students to endeavour to excel.

The Marrakesh Treaty seeks to allow millions of people who are blind or visually impaired access to books and documents in accessible formats., pub-6336011652228911, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0