Two Friends Jailed 15-Year Prison Term Each

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Two unemployed friends who attacked and robbed a trader and her granddaughter of a mobile phone, handbag and eighty Ghana cedis have been slapped with a 15-year jail term by a Juabeng Circuit Court over the weekend.

Kwabena Agyeibi, 31 and Isaac Gyamfi -22 of Mampongteng Korea pleaded guilty to three charges after police retrieved mobile phones, handbag and mask they wore and other offensive weapons to rob their victims at Nsuta-Atonsu in the Sekyere Central District of Ashanti Region.

The two convicts, armed with knives and their faces covered with masks emerged from a bush and attacked the victims who were returning from a store at about 10 p.m on November 8, 2017.

Madam Adwoa Nyarko suffered knife wounds on one of the fingers. The convicts bolted with mobile phones, a handbag containing personal effects and an amount of GHS 80.00.

A report was made to the Police the following morning. The accused persons were arrested at Agona the next day with the stolen items and the tools they used for the robbery, including knives, a cutter and the mask.

They were arraigned before the Juabeng Circuit Court presided over by His Lordship Abdul Yussif Asibey for conspiracy, robbery and possession of offensive weapons.

The two unemployed friends, however, pleaded guilty to all the three charges and were sentenced to 15-year imprisonment each in hard labour., pub-6336011652228911, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0