Exchange Programme For SOS Students In China Unveiled

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Exchange Programme For SOS Students In China Unveiled

Ghanaian students will benefit from a special scholarship offer from the Rebecca Akufo-Addo Foundation to study in China.

Under a cultural exchange arrangement, another set of beneficiaries will also visit China early in 2019.

Some Chinese students will also be visiting Ghana around the same period.

Following up on a Memorandum of Understanding signed between The Rebecca Foundation and Shenzhen Mingde Experimental School in China, Mr. Chen Hongbing, Principal of Shenzhen Mingde Experimental School and leader, was confident that the arrangement will be mutually beneficial to the students and the schools.

They were accompanied by Prof. Kwesi Yankah, the Minister of State for Tertiary Education, who expressed his delight on the prospects of the exchange programme.

Describing it as a positive exchange, Mr. Offei of the SOS said this opportunity will enable the students and teachers to better appreciate a lot of new trends in teaching, as well as the use and application of technology.

The First Lady also had extensive discussions with Mr. Chen Yougxin, President of the China National Building Materials (CNBM), which focused on the outcome of earlier deliberations to support government’s One- District, One-Factory project.

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