EC bans motorbikes, alcohol at polling stations

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61742980The Electoral Commission has banned the use of motorbikes at various polling stations on election day, December 7, 2016.

The Commission has also instructed the security personnel to block access routes to persons who intend using motorbikes at the various polling stations.

Addressing the press on Tuesday, Charlotte Osei, Chairperson of the Electoral Commission further stated that the sale of alcohol around polling centres is also not permitted.

“We want to remind the public that the sale of alcohol within 500 meters of a polling station is prohibited. In addition the Police have determined that within the hours of 5:00pm tomorrow and 6:00am on December 8th, the use of motorbikes are not permitted.

“In addition to this, on Election Day, motorbikes are not permitted within 400 meters of a polling station,” she explained.

The EC’s decision follows fears expressed by stakeholders over possible ballot box snatching which is usually done with motorbikes.

The EC had also identified drunkenness as one of the factors accounting for the high number of rejected ballots.

We’re ready for December 7 polls Charlotte Osei further used the opportunity to express her outfit’s readiness to organize the general elections tomorrow [Wednesday] December 7, 2016.

She said all material, equipment and personnel required for the conduct of the polls have been dispatched to all the polling stations nationwide. “Everything is set for tomorrow,” she added.

According to her, over 15 million voters are expected to cast their ballot in the election on Wednesday., pub-6336011652228911, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0