Calls For Immediate Arrest Of Annas Gain Weight As Who Watches The Watchman Showed In Wa

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Calls For Immediate Arrest Of Annas Gain Weight As Who Watches The Watchman Showed In Wa

Massive turn out embraced the much awaited investigative video, Who watches the watchman, in the upper west region.

The hugely patronised program saw deafening crowed roaring at the Tembamba JHS park at the sight of the enlightening video unleashed by Honorable Kennedy Ohene Agyapong and his Net 2 TV.

As a clean up video to the perceived saint in undercover journalism, Anas Aremeyaw Anas, Who watches the watch man saw people of different stature in the society trooping to the Tendamba JHS hours ahead of the advertised scheduled.

With many revelations popping up in front of them, those who were misled remorsefully changed their mind set and immediately called for the immediate arrest of Anas Aremeyaw Anas.

In a series of interviews conducted after the audio visual screening, a chunk of the populace called on the powers that be to haul Anas before the judicial wings of Ghana.

” So why was he picking money himself from innocent people because he has evidence of their videos ?

“He is doing selective work and that must not be accepted in the society.

” Why did he leave out some of his victims after draining them financially.

” If the taker or receiver is corrupt then giver or issuer is equally corrupt and any punishment must be given across board” sections of the fans aired their views after the program.

With football activities coming to a stand still after the expose from Anas, a few of the fans at the Tendamba JHS also cited the lack of employment caused by the video from Anas.

“Look at the number of people suffering because football activities have been stopped in the country. Ghanaians will have to subject Anas to scrutiny”, an aggrieved fan said.

Who watches the watchman is expected to be aired across other regions in the country, pub-6336011652228911, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0