Bad policies are the cause of dumsor – Akomea

291, pub-6336011652228911, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

10472002Nana Akomea, Communication Director of the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP), is alleging that the incompetence of President Mahama is the cause of the unresolved energy crisis.

Government he posted have no excuse to plunge this country into darkness after making promises to end the power crisis 4 years ago.

Speaking in an interview with Rainbow Radio 87.5FM on Frontline, Nana Akomea said, the Mahama led administration should be ashamed for failing to state clearly plans in solving the problem.

According to him, it is extremely disgusting that with an oil revenue of 3 billion dollars and loans amounting to 18 billion dollars, dumsor is still haunting consumers.

He mocked government for failing to give consumers stable power, after the completion of our gas project despite assurances from government.

The mobilization of plants including the infamous Ameri and Karpower projects which President Mahama described as the fastest mobilization of emergency power in Ghana’s history, is nothing to write home about, Nana Akomea said.

In his view the failure of government to resolve the crisis is due to ”lies, incompetence, inefficiency, because government has increased utility and mobilise all the needed revenue yet we are still plunge with darkness.”, pub-6336011652228911, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0