Developing Shock Detector And Absorber By Understanding Human Behaviour

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The Author

The Author

Many people become disappointed in their relationships with other people. They surrender themselves and their resources to the social relationships they establish. This leads to the cultivation of the appropriate trust and confidence in the other(s); only to recognize later that, the behaviour of the other interacting party was based on absolute/perfect pretense. I believe by this time, you have heard of broken hearts. The point is that after such shocks, many people are very disinterested in forming relationships with people. This article seeks to create and revive our awareness of the real human nature, which produces such surprises.

‘So is that how man is?’, ‘I did not know he/she could do that to me’, ‘he/she has surprised me’. Consider the statements above and follow the discussion below.

At any point, people become surprised/disappointed by a behavioural change of an individual. This results from the ‘Misconception of Reality/True Nature’. He or she did not surprise you, rather, you did not expect that change because you did not understand the true nature of man. The behaviour of man is not programmed for a fixed manifestation; it changes for interest maximization, adaptation to changing conditions and environment, and also for many other reasons known to the individual. The chameleon can change its skin colour at any time; you can only be surprised or shocked when you do not know the true nature of the chameleon, because probably you have not seen one before. Man also has that natural or in-born feature to change behaviour at any time.

In any social relationship, always expect a change in the behaviour of the other interacting party/parties. Never think people you interact with will always be like you see them or expect them to be. Consider the change as unavoidable; prepare yourself, as to detect and preempt any possible shocks. With this, no behavioural change can shock you. Even undetected shocks can be absorbed comfortably.

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