Smock Businesses Need More Support To Expand – Humble King

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Smock Businesses Need More Support To Expand – Humble King 

CEO of Humble King Smocks and Fashion Designs, Inusah Sualisu has urged the government to turn its attention on local smock (Fugu) makers in the Northern part of the country.

Quality and fashionable smocks are traditional costumes made from the North and widely patronised by people from different cultural backgrounds.

These smock wear which comes in different sharps and sizes are used for different kinds of events while others use it for official assignments.

The renowned smock fashion designer observed the government’s support towards the sector is crucial for the smock trade to thrive and expand.

According to him, government’s One-District-One-Factory (1D-1F) policy is one of such avenues to help transform the industry.

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He also called on NGOs and private investors in the country to get involved to also get involved for effective collaboration.

“Government setting up smock factories in all five Northern regions and assisting us with equipment (sewing machines) will help us expand our businesses.

“This will also empower us to train and offer employment opportunities to the unskilled youth on the streets,” Mr. Sualisu stated.

He added, “we also need a platform where we can showcase our designs to the rest of the world and even the government will earn revenue from it.”

Mr. Inusah Saulisu also appealed with the government to subsidize import duty on the thread and other materials used to weave the smock (Fugu) fabric.

However, Humble King operates two branches in Tamale and currently employs thirteen (13) young men as apprentices.

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